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Topic: IPv6 with Virtualbox is broken
Posts: 5
IPv6 with Virtualbox is broken
on: December 9, 2011, 21:59

I have been working with Virtualbox and IPv6, and came to the conclusion that IPv6 is broken when using a wireless interface with Virtualbox. The neighborgh discovery packets are being send out (Neighbor Solicitation) but the return packet (Neighbor Advertisement) is dropped.

I wonder if this is also the case when using a wired interface.


Posts: 5
Re: IPv6 with Virtualbox is broken
on: January 21, 2012, 00:07

Some testing proofed to me that IPv6 is working correctly with Virtualbox, when a physical interface is used. In my case wireless on a Mac book Air failed, but did run with the USB-to-Ethernet adapter.

Problem does exists for over 2 years, from which I conclude it is not widely used and/or giving problems.

Posts: 5
Re: IPv6 with Virtualbox is broken
on: April 7, 2013, 23:28

Progress is being made on fixing the IPv6 Neighborgh discovery bug in Virtualbox. The description of the fix shows me that they are on track, at least they are fixing exactly what I saw going wrong.

Awaiting to get it into the mainstream update path.

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